No Smoking

UGH!!!  There, I've said it!

You are either annoyed that we had to mention this filthy habit, vividly recalling your recent experience with a thoughtless smoker down-wind from your cruise ship's verandah,

- OR -

You are reaching for a cigarette as you read this and cringing at the thought of the next 12-hour flight, which when added to the requisite 3-hour arrival, 4-hour delay and a missed transfer, can make for a rather uncomfortable combination of nicotine patches, gum, and a very cranky landing.

I daresay I fell into the latter category until a few years ago, when ironically, I was traveling to Amsterdam, only to learn that while marijuana is de riguer in the "coffee shops", there was no smoking allowed in any hotel in the city!  My husband had already quit, so this posed a rather unique quandary until I discovered the liberating effects of electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, as they are called.

Now if you are still reading this, you either know someone who ought to try an alternative to cigarettes or you might just benefit from this marvel of modern technology yourself! This is not a smoker's site, it is a travel resource, but if you want to:

  • Feel better, and start enjoying a hassle-free travel experience
  • Do your fellow travel companions a favor by eliminating some major obstacles to long-distance travel
  • Find a safer way to get your nicotine fix (this is not medically proven, but it cannot be as bad as consuming the 4000 chemicals created via combustion) may just want to switch to an e-cigarette.

I have now been (analog) cigarette free for over ten years and counting!  Best of all, the money I have saved making the switch is equal to the cost of a Verandah cruise for two each year!

Switching to "vaping" has been cathartic for a whole lot of ex-smokers.  Mind you, it is NOT allowed on airplanes, however if sharing this info can improve the experience (and the health) of even one oof my clients, then this information absolutely belongs here with all the other recommendations I share. 

There - I have said it - "No Smoking, please!"  And now, onto our next Total Excursion!