
Local Photo Walks...a great investment in your next destination!

I once witnessed a hapless traveler eagerly pouring over the user manual for his brand-new Nikon pro-body while onboard a transatlantic flight and couldn't help wondering how disappointed he was likely to be!

If you are like most folks, you are ardently dreaming of your next vacation.

To be sure you can preserve your precious memories, you splurge on that new camera you've been watching online, then tick that "to-do" off the list before moving on to planning your "must-see" sites. Cell phone cameras are so sophisticated you may opt to use them instead, however they, too, come with so many bells and whistles that it's important to invest some time in learning how to use all the features, so you never miss the perfect shot.

Don't wait until you are on the line outside the Colosseum to learn to use your camera!

It's a fact that adults (especially busy ones), learn and retain more when they practice something new. Why not invest an hour or two learning to capture great images you'll be proud to show off?

Be sure to spend a little time testing out your camera, or join a local photo walk before you travel so you can return home with many memories to share with friends and family!  We can even set you up with amateur photo tours led by a pro during your vacation, so you can be assured to return with some great mementos from your vacation!